how can i make the skin under my feet tough or thick?


May 19, 2008
i'm starting to work out for the first time in my life. My feet are soft really soft. Now that I'm working out i'm having really big blisters under my feet, and it hurts so bad i have to stop running. Is there a way I can make my skin tougher or thicker, or is there something i can do so i wouldn't suffer while I'm doing physical activity?
Getting a few blisters is going to soon lead to hard calluses. Once you get those your feet won't hurt anymore. If you are continuing to have issues, they make some shoes made for working out called Vibram Shoes. They look really odd, but they are awesome, they are basically like not wearing shoes at all so they naturally allow your feet to strengthen up, but they protect the bottoms from blisters and glass.
Just walk around barefoot a lot. I did it and now I walk around my alley and outside all I want and pretty much never get hurt. I stepped on a nail once and just shook it off. I have big and thick feet and there pretty damn tough. Just go barefoot a lot I guess
Going barefoot more will toughen your feet. You also might try inner sole foam pads to make
your shoes more comfortable. The problem is probably more the shoes...try some other
more comfortable ones too.
Hikers use duct tape on their blisters. Sadly enough, all this is the process of getting tough feet. A fast forward method is walk bare foot places. A handy non-hippy trick is to go explore a creek with your friend and your friends or your dog. Take off your shoes and chill a while.
Walk more, barefoot. I answer or respond to almost every health and fitness question with that same answer, well except for the barefoot part, but walking and stretching is great for any living thing.
What is under your feet, that is where the rubber meets the road, remove the rubber and the feet get tough.
Moroccan oil, also known as Argan oil, produced from the most important part of the argan tree that is only found in Argana, Morocco. It's fruit seeds contains an exotic oil that is rich in tocopherols. It is a fat-soluble antioxidant that has numerous benefits for the body, just like Vitamin E. Oil removal from the seeds has processes used for cosmetic products and as well as culinary uses.
Argan oil receives countless positive glowing statements from around the world as its effectiveness as a skin conditioner and a moisturizer.

It contains - when in its purified, organic and cold-pressed natural form - 200% more vitamin E than olive oil.

It contains a potent mix of anti-oxidants, fights the effects of photo-aging, sun damage and free radicals, and it contains some of the most potent polyphenols and fatty acids, that can have a measured impact at treating bad cases of psoriasis, acne and eczema.