How can I make my life more interesting and more amusing?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
I'm a med student and most ppl may say that interesting and amusing enough but I feel like I can do more for example I have a lot of friends who are med students like me and do much more things than I do for example two of my friends are multilingual (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Persian and Japanese) and I only know English and a bit of Spanish. Some of my other friends are exellant atheleats while I can't grow muscle mass even if my life depended on it. Even in the creative area I have friends who are exellent musicians and sketch artist and I can barely do any of those things.
I just see that all my friends are very good at something and I feel left behind, even dumb in some way, making me feel that my life is boring and unamuzng.
Can someone help me on this?
I'm a med student and most ppl may say that interesting and amusing enough but I feel like I can do more for example I have a lot of friends who are med students like me and do much more things than I do for example two of my friends are multilingual (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Persian and Japanese) and I only know English and a bit of Spanish. Some of my other friends are exellant atheleats while I can't grow muscle mass even if my life depended on it. Even in the creative area I have friends who are exellent musicians and sketch artist and I can barely do any of those things.
I just see that all my friends are very good at something and I feel left behind, even dumb in some way, making me feel that my life is boring and unamuzng.
Can someone help me on this?

Become a Google search expert, try to sing, or learn how to play a musical instrument. Get politically involved, become a tennis player, a skier, an expert on mushrooms. Write a book, or review a book. The number of possibilities is unlimited. You are the master of your destiny.
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