How can I get strong legs for martial arts (without weights)?


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Is that even possible? I noticed that my legs are way too weak for martial arts. Went to the gym before and I squat way less than everyone else (only the bar = 45lbs). I don't live close to a gym at the moment and don't have weights. I could use some dumbbells and add weights. But what exercises should I do? Is it even possible to get strong legs if you don't have the right weights?

I saw people in the gym who never exercise and they were squatting a lot more than me.
Lunges with the dumbbells. Frog jump up a staircase. Hold a quality horse stance for an extended period of time. All manner of plyometrics.
Agree with mr. Karasu

There is a lot you can do without weights .

Learn proper form of squating ,then walking lunges , step ups to a chair ( you do have a chair , dont you ?) and slowly progress to one leg squat . Dont rush but dont be lazy either . Eventually you can add weights to speed up the process . Rush slowly .
are you near stairs? Run...or walk...up and down them a few dozen times per day
karasu had a great answer, you can also try standing in a horse stance for 10 to 15 minuets a day...that will also help with your leg strength problem.