How can I get Justin Bieber to read my twitlonger?


New member
Apr 5, 2008
I wrote him this twitlonger( ) that reads:

Dear Justin,

My name is Crystal, and I'm thirteen years old. Now, this isn't your ordinary fan letter. I am writing this letter to tell you how much of an inspiration you are to me, and how you and your music saved me, and continue to get me through rough times.

I had always been a casual fan of yours. When I say casual, I mean that if someone asked who you were, I'd respond with a "yeah" or an "I've heard a few of his songs and I like them." Well, a few days before MY WORLD was released, I was on the phone with my dad. Well, at some point in the conversation, my dad asked me if I had heard of you. I told him that I had, and that the few songs that I had heard, I liked. Well, he told me that he had heard your album, and that he really liked it, and recommended that I listen to it, and he said that DOWN TO EARTH was one of his favorites. He had also said that from what he had seen and heard, you were a good kid. Someone to look up to. So after we got off the phone, I googled the track listing, then listend to all of the songs on YouTube. I liked them, a lot, so I asked my mom to get me the CD for Christmas. DOWN TO EARTH was my favorite because it reminded me so much of myself. Well, in late February of this year, I got in touch with my stepmom, Ivy, whom I hadn't talked to nor seen in about three years, through Facebook. We talked to eachother on Facebook IM everyday, and my stepmom, who was also a fan of you, was always posting things on my wall about you, and how my two year old half-brother was a fan of you, and how he would sing words from ONE TIME.

Well on May 10th, 2010, tragidy struck. My dad and stepmom both passed away suddenly. It was so unexpected, and it shook me like an earthquake. I was lost, I was confused, I didn't know what to do. That night I stayed up til 5 AM shaking and crying. And every night after that wasn't any better. To make things worse on me, my best friend sort of abandoned me in my time of need. Whenever I needed to talk, my best friend would change the subject to her new boyfriend. So I felt alone. I remember talking to my favorite cousin, Lexy, on the phone, and she would tell me that I sounded so depressed. She asked me what had happened to the happy, upbeat Crystal who was always cracking jokes. And she said that I was so distant. She said she would find herself repeating herself four or five times because I just wasn't there. I remember telling her that I cried every night. She said that she thought that the old Crystal was gone forever. Well one day when I was cleaning my room, I came across my copy of MY WORLD. Then I remembered the phone call with my dad, and the wall posts from my stepmom. I played the CD, and a smile came across my face. When DOWN TO EARTH came on, I broke down. I cried of both happiness and sadness. Sad, because it reminded me of my parents, "Mommy you were always somewhere, and Daddy I live out of town. So tell me how could I ever be normal somehow?" That's the part that always gets me most because my parents split when I was really little, and that's exactly how I felt. And the happy tears, were because it reminded me of my dad and stepmom, and how they liked you so much. My stepmom, oh God, Justin, she loved you. Absolutely adored you. She used to always post random wall posts about you on my Facebook page. I remember one of the very last things she said to me, "So a friend of a friend of mine was at Magic Mountain today, and JUSTIN BIEBER was there! I was tempted to JUMP in the car. omg." And she would always play your music for my baby brother. By the time my brother was two, he was a die-hard Belieber! He loved ONE TIME. And like I said before, my dad liked you a lot. He thought you were an inspiration to kids, and he thought you were a good role model. He said that you showed everyone that dreams really do come true. Well, after MY WORLD was finished, I put MY WORLD 2.0 on. My smile grew bigger. After listening to your CDs, I called my cousin and said, "Lexy, I know my dad and Ivy are watching over me because after playing those songs, I feel better. I'm not as sad. Now I know why my dad said he was an inspiration, and someone to look up to. He's MY inspiration, Lexy." And from that day on, the old me was back. Whenever I was having a bad day, and all I wanted to do was cry, I would turn on your music and I'd instantly feel better. And it's all because of you.

So to conclude my letter, I'd like to say thank you, Justin. For helping me get my life back. Without your music, who knows how I'd be today. So thank you. So much.

-Crystal :)

**Note: I had originally written this letter to give to @justinbieber at his concert in Auburn Hills on August 15th. I had paid for meet and greet passes, and I had planned on giving this to Justin when meeting him