How can I get free minutes for a net 10 phone?

Just because Obomas president, and half black, dose not make it OK to act the way you do.
:all mighty::be polite: Yall are fucking retards damn we cant move forward till we decide to!
Thats Eff'd Up!

Listen you racist fucks.. I happen to be Black. Tan maybe.. But forget that..

This Racist shit Im hearing really gets under my skin. And that means you asshole who said "bet u wont call a white person a cracker to their face u dumb fk.. know why lol? cause ull end up hanged like your ancestors"

First off thats FUCKED UP. And You Wouldn't call a black man a nigger in there face or you would end up with a 10" Asshole you faggot faced bastard.

And Second the fact that you have the audacity to call us Negros uneducated and uncivilised is simply retarded as by your typing skills. As you can see your typing is Misspelled.. Stupid ass rednecks. Stay in mississippi you fucking assholes!

- Nuff said! BLACK POWER!:stop glass: NEVER STAND DOWN!:stop glass:
Wow.. lots of ignorant people in here.. This thread was from mid year 2010 and it look's like someone couldnt get over themselves, so they had to revive it.

The poster above me,.. First you say the racist comments get under you're skin, but then again, you partake in the same shit..

Cracker to a white person isnt the same as nigger to a black person.
I actually "crack" my self up (no pun ) when I get called a cracker..
Then I tell the offending person who called me it, a dumbass, tell them that it's what the slave owners were called when they 'cracked that ass with the whip..

Then, "crack" 'em in the jaw before they even could say a word.. lol
(Not anymore though, I grew up..)

Get over it. Instead of saying blacks are uneducated and white people, - west virginia shit; cant everyone see that this race shit is more about how people are uneducated? Whites, Blacks, Greens, Yellows, .. what have you...

Soon, it will be broken down via economical disadvantages rather than race. Everyone gets too political correct and pussyhurt, so look for the economical disadvantaged. We need to get rid of the Affirmative Action. get rid of the hand outs, and let everyone stand on their own merit. There are poor whites that act "ghetto, or redneck" and there are poor blacks who act "rednickish, or ghetto". Most go to the same schools, most are friends while growing up .. etc

There is no such thing as Black power anymore, or white power.. Has anyone noticed you hardly hear about the KKK doing rallies? When is the last time someone heard in the news about the Black Panthers? The only time we hear of these pro groups in the news, is when a controversy occurs.. The world is moving on people, dont get left behind.
Wow.. lots of ignorant people in here.. This thread was from mid year 2010 and it look's like someone couldnt get over themselves, so they had to revive it.

The poster above me,.. First you say the racist comments get under you're skin, but then again, you partake in the same shit..

Cracker to a white person isnt the same as nigger to a black person.
I actually "crack" my self up (no pun ) when I get called a cracker..
Then I tell the offending person who called me it, a dumbass, tell them that it's what the slave owners were called when they 'cracked that ass with the whip..

Then, "crack" 'em in the jaw before they even could say a word.. lol
(Not anymore though, I grew up..)

Get over it. Instead of saying blacks are uneducated and white people, - west virginia shit; cant everyone see that this race shit is more about how people are uneducated? Whites, Blacks, Greens, Yellows, .. what have you...

Soon, it will be broken down via economical disadvantages rather than race. Everyone gets too political correct and pussyhurt, so look for the economical disadvantaged. We need to get rid of the Affirmative Action. get rid of the hand outs, and let everyone stand on their own merit. There are poor whites that act "ghetto, or redneck" and there are poor blacks who act "rednickish, or ghetto". Most go to the same schools, most are friends while growing up .. etc

There is no such thing as Black power anymore, or white power.. Has anyone noticed you hardly hear about the KKK doing rallies? When is the last time someone heard in the news about the Black Panthers? The only time we hear of these pro groups in the news, is when a controversy occurs.. The world is moving on people, dont get left behind.
You guys all like dicks in your butt. Cracker means a lot to me. We cracked the whips on those lazy fucking niggers and taught them the value of hard work. Fuckers had better get the fuck in the street when I go walking down the sidewalk. Fuckin nigs. Quit breeding, too, or I'm gonna go niglet hunting. Bitches.:moonie:
haha ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tht is true dude ull end upp like this after a whit persons done with ya:clubbing

U know wat ur ancestors did??? they fuck thier sisters and yall still do white
OMFG seriously people, If your smart enough to turn on a computer then you should be mature enough to not run your mouths like a bunch of baby back bitches! Racist remarks should get your asses banned anyways, And if those of you "Crackers" who think your cool to say such shit keep in mind your the real niggers! LOOK IT UP, its called a dictionary..
Nigga isn't a twist to a redneck slang for someone who deep down they wanna suppress outta fear and stupidity, Its something different all together!!! And it has nothing to do with people doing jail time, Trust me I've done my fair share... For people logging on to find out how to cheat the system and steal phone time themselves, Your fuckin morons! Fuck why did I have to be born white when so many fuckin HONKIES have to be a bunch of uneducated fuckin retards!! You dumb asses are the reason for the problems in the world, Lemme guess, Your a bunch of blue collar woman beating pansies aren't ya?
You dumb fuckin imbreds!
stupid fuckin imbreds

for the racist morons, Get a dictionary, If you get a break in the child support you owe your sister!

Fuckin pussys everyones bad ass on the net arent ya... Im fuckin white as hell and dare any of you fuckin faggots to say nigger around me!

Anyways you want free time for net 10...

free time = Permanent deactivation of your net 10 account!!
There is no way to do it!!!
How do I know?
I work for them
there is so much hope in this world for my children.... "NOT" white black... dont matter, Im sure my half black daughter and her all black mother dont care... grow up
thanks for clarifying this....i cant believe that this type of ignorance still exists....
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
you all need to grow up

Both of you just need to grow up, i am a white man and the things you are saying to that other man is plain stupid. First of all there is no slavery anymore and we are the assholes that did that crap to another human. I think that they have every reason to be pissed at us. And whitie you must not watch the tv much at all there are far more white people commiting crimes than balck people so why dont you just grow the hell up.