How can I gain weight and stop rumors, People think I'm anorexic?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Umm this is going to be a little long, sorry :/ This school year I went to a new school, and everybody thinks that I am anorexic. I'm 5'8 and 104 pounds,which I know is insane and disgusting. but I eat 4 meals a day and everybody on my dad's side has a fast metabolism, which is where I get it. But for months my teachers has been telling me to eat more, and to gain weight, and a few days ago when i missed a day(orthodontist) one of them asks "Are you okay? You look like you've lost weight.." I've actually gained 3 pounds this month.. All of the people that find out I want to do track/crosscountry/cheerleading look at me weird, and tell me that i "don't need to lose anymore weight". But doesn't muscle weigh more than fat? I'm not sure how to stop the rumors anymore, and how to gain weight healthily. I constantly eat and it does nothing. I know that I am not anorexic because I am disgusted with how thin my body is. When I slide between desks that are really close together I'll look at the space that i fit through and be repulsed at how small it is. What is a healthy way to gain weight, and how do I stop the rumors?
*I'm vegetarian, so please no meat if you include any good foods to eat..