How can I convice men to take me seriously in MMA Class?


May 29, 2008
I've been active in my MMA class for almost two years now and have been doing really well. There's no women in my gym that are remotely close to being a match for me so my coach's asked me to participate with the men. At 5'11 I'm about as tall as all of the men in class, however, at 135lbs they think I'm no match.

I've sparred with many of the men and participated competitvely with the smaller men in class. I've been able to win some of the competitive matches and have lost some as well. I'm not a great grappler because I'm not strong enough to muscle the men around but I am a strong striker and kick harder than all of the men in class. With my long legs, I was able to kick one guy unconcious.

My problem however is that I can't convince the bigger guys in my class (about 6', 220lbs) to take me seriously. I don't think they will punch me or kick me full force. I know for certain that the smaller guys (5'9" 180lbs and below) try to kill me everytime but they are the ones I can take care of. How can I get the bigger guys to take me seriously and strike me with full force? I want to be taken seriously.

I've let them hit me as hard as they can to show them I can take it, but they still think I'm a girl and won't do it
We're programmed like that I guess that we shouldn't hit girls as they are no threat physically.
You can't. It's something society has taught us since we were little boys. It is a lose, lose situation for us. If we pound on a girl = assholes. If we play nice = you're upset. Sorry.
The only way you are going to get their respect is by landing a few good shots to the chin. Ringing a few bells will get their attention.