How can i burn a .AVI Xvid movie onto a DVD-RW to play on a Xbox-360?


May 11, 2008
I have the movie Spring Breakers on my computer and i tried converting the .AVI movie to DVD format, i burned it on a disk, i put it in my xbox and i try and play the movie but the screen just flashes black and white. Help please?
Btw, the movie won't play on my computer, it says " Codec 3.6.2 Incompatible"
Cant it play Xvid directly ? Thats pretty much becoming the Stadard (MPEG4) codec for bit torrents know. Because you can get a movie at 720P at about 700MB damn good. DVD your talking 3-4 GB and quality less.

I suppose you want a free one dont know any you have to use something like WIn AVI

or Nero Showtime or whatever they call it know. IF you manage to find a free one it wont be any good at the end of the day the codecs are licensed so they might be using a fake one.