How can i become more openly bisexual?

I need help with my sexuality because ever since i was little i knew i was different which made separte from alot people My parents said i was just their special little angel. I make random friends but where i live people reall hate gays/lesbian ect...I came out to only 3 of my friends that i was bi because i know that they are cool like that but my other friends and my parents i feel like im hiding a dirty little secret and sure my friends could hate me but id feel distant from others and i dont like that... mostly because im bi-polar and sometimes have thoughts of suidide(not right now though) but i just feel dirty and ive been taking 5 to 6 baths a day ... I use to tell people that were sad and gay to just accept themselves no matter what anyone said but know i need to know how to do that can someone help me? because i dont wanna be an outcast my older sister told me she was bi and she killed herself because of all the people nagging her and all the girls asking to have sex with her in public places and completely humiliating her and the hung herself on the back of her bedroom door. I cried so much at the funeral and im just saying i dont want to be like her i dont want to die until God calls for so PLEASE HELP!!??!

your love is appreciated ?
Just know there are others out there just like you. Everyone is different, and everyone has their own secrets. I am so sorry about your sister! It seems like you have a really hard life, and being bisexual is the last thing you need. If you are 'bi'-sexual it means you choose from boys to girls, right? Why not choose boys for a little while. Don't focus on your bisexuality. If you are bisexual, you are bisexual, nobody really needs to know unless they will understand, or they are as well. Anytime you want to talk honey i'm here. :] Best of luck - Dom
Well, first off; don't die. That'd be depressing. No matter what you do, try to keep a clear head. I know it'll be hard, but try.
Second; you're not dirty, so let's not take that many baths. I don't want you getting lice :] (yes, lice like extremely clean hair and extremely dirty hair)
To come out, you can just slip it in here and there. Like, a subtle drop. You don't necessarily have to be more open, just more comfortable with yourself. If any would hate you; then they're not the kind of people you should associate yourself with.
The best advice I can give you so far, is choose who you're gonna come out to. After all; unless you're in college, you probably not gonna see them again (sorry if that depressed you).
Believe what you believe in and accept yourself for who you are. Be comfortable with just that. :]