How can anyone really argue that white people of western European origin...


Active member
May 11, 2008
...are not the most influential and? brilliant of the peoples alive. Even look at the Far East there are billions of Chinese-ish people in that part of the world. far more then there are people of Western European origin anyway and yet there women are having their eyes widened to look like our women's eyes, they copy our music and film and everything. When are white people going to get the recognition we deserve on the world stage
Right now that maybe somewhat true, but in the past that wasn't so.

The first modern civilizations where in the Middle East (current day Iraq), then the most advance civilization was in Africa (current day Egypt), then it was in Asia (current day China), and now its in the West (Current day Northern/Western Europe and America). Some people think that the future is going to be with China (again).
because it is an opinionated fairy tale we would be here all night
Why earth should we whites get recognition when the liberal elite among us are preoccupied with wearing hair shirts and pandering to minorities who, collectively, are now in the majority. Were I other than white in this country, I think that I would scoff at whites while snapping up every concession they offered to me. Affirmatively act me into management, and you'd see the end of hiring whites.
Oh really
The Egyptians built the pyramids thousands of years before We Europeans could even write .
And what exactly do you think those Chinese-ish people should do. Build monuments to Verdi and Beethoven and forget about the many inventions they made that contributed a great deal to civilization.
Though we have our qualities, i'm afraid we think we can do whatever we want and control whoever we want.

We've assassinated or attempted to assassinate many south american elected leaders. and we overthrew an elected government in Iran to install a dictator.

We print money when we need it. We created this global crisis going on.