How can a Filipino travel the world?


Jun 4, 2008
Please no sugarcoated answers. I want realistic ones.

I've read a lot of blogs lately related to travel. Most of them speak of life lessons when traveling, of how we'll be happier when we just keep on traveling. They also spoke of how money shouldn't be an issue because we just need to spend for the things we need. In this case, the blogs spoke more of using cheap lodging when traveling to places. While I find so much optimism in these blogs, the fact is that these blogs were made most probably by middle class whites or Caucasians. Though they are not rich, they have a better part of traveling than their Filipino counterparts.

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about the issue of income and purchasing power. I just need to know how a typical Filipino can travel the world. It's easy for these middle-classed Caucasians because it's easier for them to earn more, but how about a typical middle-classed Filipino? Maybe the farthest they can reach is China or Singapore, but I dream of going to Europe.

I want to know how I'm able to save up and travel Europe. I don't need any fancy hotels or sumptuous food to satisfy me as long as I'm able to travel to countries such as France and Italy. I'm just wondering if there's a way for a Filipino, such as myself, can be able to live that dream that so many white travel bloggers talk a lot (usually addressed to their fellow white people).

Sorry if ever there was racism or something.