How are Disney Channel celebrities so thin?


Active member
May 13, 2008
Like Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman, girls like that. What kind of diets do they follow to remain so thin, but yet have glowing skin and beautiful hair? They can't all be naturally thin. There has to be something they're doing. Help?

What do you think it is?
Because those girls have to work on the show so they're constantly moving which would burn off the fat. Or they have really good metabolism
Of course there is. Did you know, Most models are Anorexic? And TV people too. Please, Love yourself. If you want a good diet... eat fruits and veggies, cut down on fats and sugars, and excersise! :D Thats all!!!! And for their "Glowing Skin" it's just a bunch of makeup :/ and also, Do you think Disney will hire, in societies definition, "fat" people or "chubby" people REALLY go on tv?? No. Ands thats because they are judgmental and mean and only care about looks. I bet your perfect C: