Horoscopes: What do you consider a boring relationship? And How would you feel


May 15, 2008
being in it? Your Sun and Venus? Im a Libra/ Scorpio Venus and i feel MISERABLE in a boring relationship. Even if i love the person to pieces its still hard for me to not get down emotionally due to boredom. I need intensity and excitement like all the time. Otherwise i feel dead!!!!!!
honestly o_o, i think the reason you feel loved, but no intensity or excitement..might be because of your reservedness..do you ever feel reserved, then your partner says intense romantic things, you get excited, then time passes, then your partner says the same thing, then you still feel that intensity and excitement, but it wasn't like the first time, then the 8th time your partner does this, you feel dead. o.o. if this is how you feel, i think the problem is that maybe you're too reserved..
Same here i cant stand it for too long. I will seek and find excitement somewhere else or stir things up a bit in the relationship. I wont stay in it too long exspecially when the sex is bad im outer there fast...
Why would anyone want to be in a boring relationship?? I'm not saying that I have to have an exciting relationship but if he just sits there and doesn't make me laugh/smile then I can't be around him. I love laughing thats the key to my heart<3

Taurus sun, Gemini venus.