Hope Solo Pictures – Marrying Jerramy Stevens?


Active member
Jul 4, 2007
Hope Solo, what are you doing, babe??? One of the sexiest female athletes in the world is getting married to (or is already married to) Jerramy Stevens, the loser who used to play in the NFL. Hope Solo could do a lot better than Jerramy Stevens.

Check out the Hope Solo pictures below so you can see what I mean.

If you don’t know Jerramy Stevens, you aren’t missing much. He was a first round draft pick by the Seattle Seahawks but he ended up sucking in the NFL. He was basically a tight end who was best known for dropping passes at a historic rate.

Even worse is the fact that Jerramy Stevens has a long criminal rap sheet. In his adult life, he’s been arrested early and often. In fact, just a couple days ago, Jerramy Stevens was arrested for a domestic incident involving Hope Solo.

Do what’s best for you, Hope Solo, and dump the loser.

Here are the Hope Solo pictures:

Hope Solo Nude Picture

Hope Solo Married

Hope Solo and Jerramy Stevens Picture

Hope Solo Pictures – Marrying Jerramy Stevens? is a post from: EveryJoe
