Homer Bailey is latest to join the elite club of pitchers with multiple no-hitters


Jun 17, 2007
Homer Bailey became the 31st pitcher in baseball history to throw multiple no-hitters by stifling the bats of the San Francisco Giants on Tuesday night. It's an elite group of pitchers that includes some bona fide legends (Nolan Ryan, Sandy Koufax, Cy Young, Christy Mathewson), some current stars (Justin Verlander and Roy Halladay) and a few guys that date all the way back to the late 1800s.

Who will be next to join this group? Well, current pitchers who already have a no-hitter include Felix Hernandez, Matt Cain, Clay Buchholz, Anibal Sanchez, A.J. Burnett, Matt Garza, Francisco Liriano, Jered Weaver and a handful of others.

King Felix seems like the obvious favorite, but if we were asking this question before Tuesday, not a lot of people would have picked Bailey. That's the great thing about no-hitters. We never know which pitcher could surprise us.

YOUR TURN: Who do you think will be next to join the multiple no-hitter club?

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