History Pop Quiz! Can anyone answer all these questions! (Best Answer


Jun 13, 2008
decided soon!) Good Luck ^_^!? Great Britain started the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century, but by the end of the
nineteenth century, U.S. productivity surpassed that of the British Isles. Describe the processes
of industrialization and urbanization in the United States in the late 1800s. Explain the plight of
labor during this period and the tension between capital and labor. What role did the government
play in settling disputes between unions and corporations? How did migration patterns change,
and what does immigration tell us about the American experience during that time period?

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the Populists and the Progressives challenged the two-party
political system in the United States. Discuss these two political movements (including their
leaders) in some depth and detail. How did candidates representing these two parties challenge
the status quo in the 1896 and 1912 elections? What strengths and weaknesses were revealed
in these two parties (or movements) during these two presidential elections? Assess the overall
impact of the Populists and the Progressives on domestic reform.

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the United States expanded overseas. Analyze U.S.
foreign policy during this period in some depth and detail, including the theories of men such
as William Henry Seward and Alfred Thayer Mahan. Discuss the outbreak, turning points, and
outcome of the Spanish-American War, explaining American motives for war. What impact did
Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson have on American foreign policy during
the Age of Imperialism? How did they justify U.S. intervention in Latin America?