Hii..i am a indian student studying in 12th class-recently i lost my lover as


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Mar 21, 2011
he died in a bike accident? actually our love was secret-no one knew it-as we were living in a conservative society-now i am having my board exams-he died 2 days before my first exam-i couldnot even see him after my study holidays-he was not in my school as mine was a girls school-his school was near mine school and it was a boys school-the moment i heard his death i really felt like a widow-he was so nice-sweet-i was a studious and serious type -but he was joyous and it was he who made me to see life in another angle-we were in same tution till 10th-so we were lovers for 3 yrs-my whole world has fell apart and i am unable to concentrate -also now 17 days have past his death and tommorrow i am having my bse maths exam-i will fail in 3 subjects-it will surely be a shock to all -but i will pass in english and now i have one more exam
my parents are very conservative and i cannot speak this to my family-and we have honour killing though my parents are educated
give me some motivation for my 12th maths exam cbse board so that i can pass