
May 23, 2008
Hi so my boyfriend was donating plasma and had to get tests done there and they said he has alt liver results. And he said the lady told him it was "77" .. We r very worried. He hasn't been feeling sick or "different" lately.. What could it be? What could have cause it? Could it eventually go away or the results go down.. Or is liver damaged ? Please and thanks
This result is mildly high. However, enzymes can become
elevated because someone has exercised before the test
was done, had an intramuscular inject, muscle injury,
consumed alcohol, taken certain kinds of medication and
other things.

It would be best for him to go to his doctor and have
the blood testing run again to check the liver/biliary
area. The doctor does more than just the liver
enzymes test (ALT, AST, GGT, ALP), he also
does the liver functions tests (bilirubin, INR,
PT, PTT, and Albumin).
Many times, with the next testing done...it may
return back to the normal range.
Blood testing only give the doctor an idea that
a problem may occur with an organ...it is not enough
to make a diagnosis. If the doctor sees that this
stays elevated, he will look for a cause and try to
stop it. He will check the liver/biliary area by
doing an ultrasound or Ct scan.

I hope this is of some help to you. It is way
too soon to tell if this has anything to do with
an organ problem. Best wishes