Hi to all, I've recently met a lady and she's said some things that's got my...


New member
Apr 16, 2009
...alarm bells ringing? 1. In the park she says? What would you do if I had another man? My reply I'd get rid of you? I then say, why have you twice but her reply wasn't that forthcoming.

2. She asks in a coffee shop? What do I feel about cheating? My reply no thanks not my thing? Her reply, what you don't think it's possible for one woman to love 2 men? Hmm

3. Recently she had a barbecue and later in that evening she says sorry I couldn't reply but the last guests left, ok but then a few days later she asked me to check her answer phone service in the mobile as she was having problems? Well as I started to fix this issue? I saw a text message from a guy in which it said, Where Are YOUUUUU!!?, now this was the sane day she was meant to be at this party and finished late? But it's not making sense when there was a text at 7:16pm asking where she is? So I asked her your barbecue was in this day? She said why? And it took me about a 30 mins to get, ok yes it was on this day?

What's your take On This and yesss I know I should not of read the text but its easy for you to say when it's not staring right at ya haha!!