Help with naming characters?


May 14, 2008
So its a zombie apocalypse novel. The girl is really shy and weak at first but she developes into a really tough strong and badass character. any ideas on what i shoudl call her? im not sure what she looks like yet, only that she's pale and too skinny from not enough food, and she has very pretty icy blue eyes.
sugestions on the love interest and what colour her hair should be would be awesome too. thanks
I think red or black hair would look pretty sick (plz not blonde ) and for the name if u want something simple maybe camile or Layla or Sarah and if you want something a little more interesting maybe Titania or Isadine (sorry not good with names)!!!! Sound like an interesting novel I'd definetly would be interested in reading it!!!!?
Whoa this story sounds awesome!!! Id definitely read it. I think brown hair(maybe red) is the way to go and as for the name how about Mia, Sarah, Crystal, Kimber, Riley, Alex, Trish or Zy. The love interest could be the guy who saves her outta the blue and is a real jerk at first and cocky, the guy she follows around who's one of those badass zombie killers, the guy who joins her after he sees her walking around and at first stalks her without her knowing then when shes in trouble he comes to the rescue and she merely says thanks but he takes her distance approach as a challenge... lol I'm getting way too caught up in this. Hope you like my ideas :)