Help with my very dominant puppy?


New member
Sep 19, 2011
He's a 7month old German shepherd who is very dominant and strong minded. What are some daily exercises I can do to get the message to him that I'm the leader. I know that never lowering your upper body is important and always eat before your dog. What other exercises can i do?
Here are some exercises that you can do with your dominant dog:

1. When you take your dog for a walk, make sure that he isn't walking in front of you but by your side or behind you.

2. Don't feed your dog table scraps after a meal.

3. Scheduled eating times so the dog doesn't choose when to eat.

4. Go up the stairs of through doorways first and let your dog go through second.

5. Don't go to the equal height of your dog.

6. Dogs shouldn't sleep in people's beds

7. If you establish eye contact with your dog, make sure he averts his eyes first.

8. If you pat your dog, make sure you are the one that decides when to pat it so he doesn't choose.

Hope this helped!!! (You can look at the website below to find out more!)