Help with Internet Explorer?


New member
Dec 18, 2008
I took my laptop computer into Best Buy the other day to have them optimize it, hoping to improve performance. It did that, however, I tried to use my internet yesterday, and I have some problems. I'm hoping that someone can help me fix it, so that I can use my internet correctly again! I can open the internet and navigate through my home page (yahoo). However, if I type an address into the bar at the top, I receive the message, "The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context." This also happens when pushing the home key. Also, I tried to download the newer internet explorer, hoping that would solve the issue, and I get the same message. The other little kick to this is that when I open facebook, I only get part of the page, and I cannot scroll down through what should be the rest. This doesn't seem to happen with other places, though I haven't tried many. Please, if anyone can give me any information on what might be wrong I'd really appreciate it. I'd take it back to Best Buy, but we recently had about a foot of snow drop at our house, and they are half an hour away. Thank you very much.
I tried to download firefox, and that also brings up that same message.
Don't bother. You're better off without it. Check out:

Seriously ... with all the security issues it brings with it, you're better off without it.