Help talking to my mom? please help!?


New member
Feb 12, 2009
alright, my father recently passed in april R.I.P. and my mom has had a boyfriend for only about a month maybe a little longer, and he stays over. if you know what i mean. And It just really makes me mad bc it seems like everyone in my family is moved on with there life and forgot all about my dad. How to I approach her that I dont like this? I mean I like to see my mom happy but just I dunno such disrespect to my dad. And I know for a fact this dude knows my dad just died and I feel it shows me disrespect from him kissin all up on my mom in front of me. Its like there frickin my age all kissy and sick. plus is only been a month of quote on quotes dating. My mom said she hasn't ever been to his house but he comes over to hers all the time. Mhhhmmm I wonder why shes not allowed? Im sorry for rambling on and on but I want to say something but dont want to screw up my relationship with the only parent I have left. Please help!?
Thanks Matt
last year but It still feels like not too long ago. But crap old ppl and only 1 month of knowing each other is bs.. especially when there bumpin uglies
We are only on April 2, so did he die yesterday? If so, your mom is wayyyy out of line. If he died last year in April, I think it's ok she's dating, but you are correct, the pawing each other, especially in front of you is not good. Perhaps take her aside, out for dinner or something and then tell her you love her and know she must miss her husband and much as you miss your dad, but you are worried about this new relationship. Be sure to angle it as your love for her, and do it calmly. No adult likes to be chastised by their child, so dont use the workds kissy or anything that might provoke her. You might also just mention you are not comfortable with him being overnight because you think she's too valuable to be having it move so quickly with this guy. Most importantly, just pray about it before you speak to her. I'm sure God will give you the right words if you ask.
I understand how you feel , as if everyone just doesn't want to think about it. Your mom is lonely and I see why she is taken up with the boyfriend. I know how much you must be hurting after such a short time after your dad's death. I still think of my dad today. Thinks he as missed as I go on with my life. He had a girlfriend sometime before he and my mom went their separate ways. Then my dad married her. My dad pasted a few year after and mom got really sick. She died two years ago. When all this went on my parents didn't seem to care how me or my sister felt about it all. But, it was their lives. I can only try not to make the same mistakes they did. Hang in there and things will settle down. Then try to talk with your mom about your dad.