Help stop my anxiety attacks?


Jun 10, 2008
I've suffered from anxiety attacks my whole life, i've been taking Citalopram for the past 3 years but suddenly i've been having really bad attacks again.

My doctor doesn't seem interested at all, i've discovered a painkiller called Syndol which seems to calm me down quite a bit, i know its dumb but i've been taking about 8 a day to try and keep me calm and allow me to dose off on an evening...

I don't know what to do, i feel i'm stuck in a rut.

My anxiety seems to worsen when i meet someone new, i met a guy on a night out and had fun, we arranged another date but when he cancelled it prompted anxiety attacks, wich then all of a sudden prompted more, and more...

Apparently Syndol is addictive, with it containing Codiene. So i'm worried that, i may be addicted or just too scared to not take any because i'm scared to feel the overwhelming anxiety.

Its so horrible and people think i'm just being pathetic, like a few years a go i ruined my best friends holiday in Florida - i had to come home a week early, i was so unwell, homesick and terrible anxiety, and my doctor knows this but just says "citalopram doesn't lose its effectiveness" i'm also scared in case he makes me come off it, as i tried to stop taking it before and after a couple of weeks i was so ill, i just wanted to die...

Can someone please help me!?