Help me Im ugly ( i have to style lol )?


May 19, 2008
When i say no style i mean why do i suck so much at choosing out close. Every year since 7th grade my mom takes me to pick out school close and i always pick out the ugliest shit ,Im embarrassed to wear the clothes i picked out and my mom dose not make much money so she cant buy me more clothes after school starts for a while. Do any of you guys know where i can get some help with my horrible taste in clothes and my inability to well, look decent in public. Im a black guy who , until now didn't really care about what he wore or how he looked but now that im 16 I think i need to start looking more like a functional member of society . I dont have a camera or a phone so i cant post any picture of my self, but Im really dark Im some were around 5 11 or 6 something and I have very nappy hair. If any of you are wondering why I am not ashamed to post something like this on the internet its because I am a very, very stupid person.
Sorry if the title makes this seem like a joke, its not im genuinely asking
Shop with a girl or gay friend. It depends on your style. I like to pretend I'm black even though I'm asian so i shop on places like karmaloop or zumiez or all pro sports etc. find your style. If i were u I would get thick printed tees, skinny jeans, and some nikes. Clean and simple.