Help me find this video about this kid who kills his parents when they...


May 27, 2008
...dont get him a bike? on youtube? there are like three kids. and one is this black kid. and he wants his parents to get him a bike. but they say they'r not going to. so he decides to kill them. he hires an assasin who goes on top of the kid's roof. and then the assasin is supposed to shoot the kids mom when she answers the door. but when she answers the door she has the bike the black kid wanted bc she was planning on surprising him. the kid is really happy and he tells the assasin not to shoot his mom but the assasin does so anyway. so mom is dead. and then the assasin goes on to kill the dad too. and the black kid is all sad. but then hes happy bc he has a new bike. can you find me the link for this video? i cant find it anywhere!!!
yea the video is a total joke lol... no one would really kill their parents and put it on youtube!!! lol i thought that would be obvious