HELP iphone 5 or samsung galaxy s4?


Apr 7, 2008
I'm so confused about this im only asking about Iphone 5 cause its ios 7 update (when is that coming out) but I love the galaxy s4 cause all its cool features and big screen I don't even know can u all help me out on this please tell me pros and cons about both phones and tell me from ur personal experience about the phones and iPhone and androids
I would get a galaxy s4. I am lol. Well nothing really against iphone, (never had iphone alway galaxies) but a family member of mine has. And she switch to a galaxy. lol and she even said the apps were cheaper (dont kno but thats what she said). I also like the s4 big screen so its good for watching videos etc. also it has some super cool features, some that iphone dont have at all.
Hey I prefer iphone 5 , the galaxy s4 is too big new ios 7 will be better