Help getting in good shape. What workouts should I do?


May 21, 2008
I'm 19 and in half descent shape maybe a pound or two overweight I want to tone my muscles and get some abs to show. What types of exercises should I do and what's good diet to eat while on that exercise routine. I've tried going to the gym. I went for about 4 months once every other day and was able to do about 250 sit ups but my stomach had 0 abs looked fat still. And my arms got strong but didn't show so I've stopped going for a while but want to try again but with something that might work and please no bs pills or machines that magically change stuff.
Eat a healthy balanced diet, tonnes of vegges, low carbs and a bit of red meat but not loads as its fattening. You should do cardio like running to lose the weight, once you've done that start doing sit ups. Then they will show, first though lose the weight.