Healthy meal plan help?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I want to start eating healthy so I was wondering if anyone has a perfect meal plan for a 15 year old? I was thinking of:

Breakfast: Cereal & Melon
Snack: A Serving of Fruit or Vegetable
Lunch: 2 Boiled Egg or Scrambled Egg or an Omelet & Cucumber & Carrot
Snack: Fat Free Yogurt or a small amount of Nuts
Dinner: Grilled Salmon or Chicken & Broccoli & Peas
Evening Snack (if I felt hungry): Apple Slices with Peanut Butter

I'm not fat but I just want to start eating healthy .. I'm about 116 pounds, 5'3 .. I've been gaining muscle from weight lifting .. I do have an exercise plan ..

The only reason I'm having eggs for lunch is because I don't know how to cook grilled chicken or anything like that .. I am planning on preparing my own food except for dinner ..

Any Suggestions? And if you have a plan of your own, may you share?

Drink plenty of water during the day, it is healthy and helps you feel less hungry. Some times our brain confuses thirst with hunger. You will eat less if you drink a glass of water before a meal.
Lower your fat intake. Switch to skim milk, lean chicken, no fast food, eat less margarine butter and mayonnaise, use less oil when cooking meals.
No more soft drinks and juices. Soft drinks are empty calories and juices have less fiber and vitamins then the original fruit.
Try to add more whole grains to your meal plan. Brown rice instead of white rice and whole grain breads instead of white bread.
Avoid foods that are high in sugar, like candy and cakes. Eat vegetables with every meal.
Don't skip breakfast. Eating breakfast, as you wake up, boosts your metabolism and decreases binge eating later in the day.
Eat your meals slower and no more eating in front of the TV. Studies show that we automatically eat larger portions when we snack in front of the TV.


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