Healthy Holidays Don’t Have To Suck


Jun 17, 2007
The holidays come with tons of fun and tons of stress–and that's before you even think about how to fit in your workouts and make decent dietary choices at every holiday party between now and New Year's. Once you do start thinking about maintaining healthy habits despite daily (but cheerful!) conspiracies against it, the holidays can be downright hellish. And all too often, the places you go for help when you're trying to achieve health during the holidays just make it worse, with articles instructing you to burn every calorie that passes your lips and headlines encouraging you to drop weight by Christmas. Our goal at Blisstree is to help you figure out how to have healthy holidays that don't suck–by giving you healthy eating tips, healthy gift guides, and helpful recipes to pull off your spread of vegan hors d'oeuvres…without getting you down about your body or obsessed with how much you weigh. More »

Healthy Holidays Don’t Have To Suck is a post from Blisstree - Nutrition, Healthy Recipes and Fitness.