He smokes too much weed, suffers from depression and is erratic towards me, what...


Jul 1, 2008
...should i do? I'm in love with a guy who has a drug problem. And when he's smoking drugs he's often drunk instead. I drink but not regularly, I've always put being healthy very high on my priority's so I'm surprised I've fallen for him. He's also told me that he suffers from depression, he's now an anti-depressants. I want to know of all this stuff is effecting the way he is towards me. I love him so much and I can never wait to see him but often when I do he doesn't even seem remotely pleased to see me. Other days he makes me feel like a princess but then the next day it's back to feeling like he doesn't want me there. I've spoken to him about it and he says that he loves me and he does want me but then why's he giving me the cold shoulder all the time? I offer him so much love and affection and support and I feel like he's throwing it back in my face. I've started to get really upset about it because he's the only one I've ever loved and I want to feel loved back. What should I do?