He lied at border control years ago; how will that effect our chances?


May 11, 2008
I met my boyfriend online about 3 years ago. After we talked for a few months, he decided to fly to the UK to see me (from the US). When he was met by border control, he panicked and said that he had met me when I was visiting the US years ago; an obvious lie. He gave border control my name, but for whatever reason refused to give them my contact info. He says he was scared, young, and stupid at that time. Border control could tell that he was lying right away, and detained him for 5 hours. He did eventually tell them the whole story about how we had met, and they ended up letting him into the country. The woman interviewing him made him promise that he would not meet up with me as border portal viewed him doing so as a danger; and so it is in writing that he said he would not be meeting up with me. Of course we met up anyway, and ended up completely falling in love over his 2 week vacation.

Over the past few years, I have flown to the US a handful of times, and he has flown to the UK a handful of times. Now when we travel, we tend to say that we're just their for tourism purposes.

Now after 2 years, we've gotten tired of this distance and have decided that we want to marry. Our plan is to have him come into the UK on a fiance visa...but as he lied to UK Border control about me, years ago, will that make things difficult for us?