Have you ever met a celebrity?

I have NEVER met anyone famous! :(

If I could though, I would want to meet Rainn Wilson, Jack Black, Will Smith, Steve Carrel, Hugh Laurie, and Angelina Jolie
I've met a lot of djs that travel the world...

Baby Anne, Shortee, Jackal & Hyde, Annalyze, Deekline & Wizard, Nyx, TinkFu, Freestylers, Breakfastaz... the list could go on. :)
jonas bros in concert, not acually meeting

ryan sheckler at the beach

mitchell davis from stickam,
all were nice :D
I met Tina Fey at the Wendy's in L.A.!! If I could choose someone though, I'd choose Demi Lovato or Selena Gomez.