Have the bells begun to toll for the GOP's water-logged vessel?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Wow! What a noticible change of tone now that those skeletons in Cain's closet has been exposed! LOL!
The GOP is headed towards a well deserved implosion for playing 'politics' during the American public's most urgent time of need!
I'm loving it.
Herman Cain may have flirted with a lady on an occasion but Obama is in bed with communists. .
It is not just Cain... it is the entire lot of GOP hopefuls.

Perry was drunk at a recent event in New Hampshire and had a meltdown. It was pathetic.

Tea Party Queen Bachmann has become invisible.

Rick Santorum is ineffectual.

Newt is too cerebral for the typical GOP primary voter.

Ron Paul has ruffled too many feathers in the GOP power establishment.

Then there's Romney, whom the tea partiers nor Southern Republican Christians will never support.

Huntsman is too reasonable, and not extreme enought, to win the GOP nomination.

The GOP is in trouble.
Are they really headed for an implosion or is the implosion wishful thinking on your part? It's funny how convenient for those that have been shaking in their boots since the Cain campaign has caught fire and is currently leading the pack! No, I don't think the GOP's vessel is water-logged, on the contrary it's just getting ready for the battles that they will be facing between now and election day.
You don't really use context in your evaluations do you? Pesky details like that get in the way of visualizing the world the way you want to see it.