Has the Evolution of rookie Qbs changed forever?


Mar 15, 2008
I remember when rookies would never start for a least a couple years as they would try to get developed and fix their mistakes that their coaches noticed when they played in college. But it seems like for at least the last several years has been way for its been way different just look at the examples

Ever since 2004 when Ben Roethlisberger went 13-0 amd went to then AFC Championship. Slowly Rookies have been improving.
Joe Flacco, Mark Sanchez, and Matt Ryan, Andy Dalton went to the playoffs their first year.
And even though all those guys didn't have huge stats their rookie season they all proved they could win.
But then Cam newton came in and Broke so many records and put up some monster numbers his rookie year. And now it seems like after 6 weeks of this season guys like RG3, Luck, Tannehill, Wilson, and Weeden could all put up huge numbers and al have success in their career.

And I know their still are rookie they play just like rookies. But it seems like every year the QB rookie draft class improves every year. And I just think the evolution of a rookie qb has been changed forever. So what do you guys think.