Has our sad world gone mad?



Can anyone make sense of this?
WHY would anyone stoop to this level...even animals don't.

CINCINNATI - Two teenagers hid overnight in a house and spent more than six hours torturing a disabled woman after her mother left in the morning, authorities said.

Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said the teenage boy and girl tied up the 18-year-old woman, clubbed her, kicked her, shaved her head and soaked her with water before making her walk barefoot outside in the snow.

They also ignored pleas from the woman, who had undergone brain surgery, not to hit her in the head, investigators said.

"This is one of the worst crimes I've ever seen," Jones said Monday. "They are sick animals, apparently just doing this for kicks and no other reason."

Cheyenne Blanton, 17, and Joseph Nagle, 16, both of Hamilton, were arraigned Monday on juvenile delinquency charges that include aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, felonious assault and vandalism.
I hope the same happens to them one day, then it won't be so funny will it?
They should both be put into a regular jail not some juvenile detention center. What they did was criminal and they should be charged as adults. They deserve the longest sentence possible.
The human animal has the endless capacity for cruelty.

Too bad that this is not a death penalty case, I think these two deserve it.

Although once word of this gets out on the prison yard their time will be short anyway.

Teens everywhere know the consequences of their actions. Teen hijinks include smoking pot, having sex, drinking beer and fighting among each other. I have to admit to indulging in all of these teen malfeasance's.

I do not put torturing a defenseless handicapped woman into the same category, this is much more than youthful exuberance.

My sons Friends are all members of the local punk rock scene. They dress outrageously and do things outside of the norm to get attention, I do not paint these teens as equivalent with the above mentioned cowards.
I don't think some teens realise that they are hurting people and they do not understand the consequences, this is a sad sad story, but unfortunately it own't be the last time we hear about something like this. They think it is funny and it is just a shame as it tars the view of teens.
thats so sad,their evil people.how can someone be so cruel.i hope they get what they deserve...;-(
its a very very sad thing that happened t that poor woman,and what goes on in the minds of the youth of today,i am English and remember two young boys who took a toddler and did the most horrendous things to him before putting him on a train track for a train to run over ,these boys are now men and living with new identities,it seems we are living in times where monsters are being bred and it just makes me sick,we need to stop treating these kids softly and if they commit adult crimes they should take adult punishment such a sad world we live in today.
There is nothing wrong with the world. Things are getting from bad to worse because of the Rat Race. Money seems to be everyone's God today. They believe money can buy all things, little do they realize that happiness is from within and not from without. Parents are busy working for money and neglect parental care which they should give to their kids from day one till much latter in life. The schools are not doing anything on moral and ethical values. Religion is cast aside and MONEY becomes the religion of the day. The TV shows are no help. CNN business talk how money is made, and very litle is said how moral values are built or developed If you ask me, its going to be jungle law sooner than we expect.
yes, there are a lot of sick people out there. sometimes it seems as if the world is falling apart. kids probably getthese ideas from watching movies like "saw".