Has anyone to do with the running of Yahoo got a sense of humour ?


New member
Jan 30, 2009
You try and have a little light hearted fun and all you get for your trouble is violations....
I have a great sense of humor.Some of them are pretty funny,but there are others that are just a little too much.
The VNs are submitted by other users,the system we work with is run by a computer programme and the Yahoo workers are like us,,trapped
I know. Happens to me all the time. These guys hate their job and just send violation emails anytime someone with no humor reports the smallest thing. I look forward to my violation email.
I wouldn't blame the staff...its the pathetic little kids and immature adults who hit the report button.....and its mainly the Americans(with no sense of humour).
Not just Yahoo, a lot of the posters also, someone wanted to do an online interview, loads of personal questions, so I came back, "What? are you a copper?", got a violation.