Has anyone invented a gadget or app that BLOCKS any broadcast from Murdoch's


New member
Jun 27, 2010
News Corporation? If not, I think this is a wonderful idea and someone should make one. It's just a simple computer program that could be put on a USB stick that people can stick in their TV's or computer, or maybe someone could even an app that works on all mobile gadgets.
If there are any developers out there who would like to develop this, I'm a graphic designer by trade who also does a lot of marketing and SEO. I would be more than happy to do all the design work and the promotion as well as build a web and mobile site. Pretty sure this tool would go viral if it works and plenty of people would love it.

What do you think?
Has anyone else already built such a tool?
Not sure. Even if they did they would just make a new way to do it. Amazing what computer geeks can do.
Set to show only 'TRUE' statements and nothing from murdch will appear!!!! HOW cool that would be????

I like your style!

ps I spelt it wrong on purpose in case of any libel action.