Has a ouija board ever correctly told your future?


New member
Nov 14, 2011
I already know ouija is bad juju. I don't play with ouija, but in drama yesterday, my friend was telling stories about her ouija.
And then today I was reading creepy stories about ouija telling your future. Wondering, if it can do that.
I asked if I was wasting my time asking it questions and the answer the board gave was yes. I then looked up at the clock and realized it was two minutes later in the evening than when I asked my question. Spooky!
Let me ask you a question: Do you think the devil would like for you to get involved in these practices? The answer is yes—and that should be a solemn warning to you.

The Bible is very clear: If we want to please God, we will avoid everything that has anything to do with the occult (even if it seems innocent or harmless on the surface). The reason is because occult practices of any kind could involve you with spiritual forces that are opposed to God and are, in fact , in league with the devil.

I know that is a strong statement—but I can't emphasize strongly enough how spiritually dangerous it is to follow Satan's way rather than God's way. When the Ephesians who had practiced the occult became Christians, they "brought their (magic) scrolls together and burned them publicly" (Acts 19:19). They knew there could be no compromise between their old way of living and God's way.

Don't try to resist the "pull" you feel toward the occult in your own strength. Instead, by faith turn to Christ and ask Him to come into your life and give you the strength of His Holy Spirit. Don't be deceived, but come to Christ, who alone is "the way and the truth and the life" (John 14:6).

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