Happy St.Patricks day


New member
Apr 5, 2008
I know I am early and its actually Paddys day tomorrow but I will be away so I just thought I would wish one and all a happy St. Patricks day. Is it just cos I am Irish or is any other national day celebrated in so many other countries?


PS Have a guinness for me
May those who love us, love us
And to those who hate us ....
May God turn their hearts
If He doesn't turn their hearts
May he turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping
... "KC's" Irish Blessing
It's because Celts rule.
Happy St. Patrick's Day all.

Oops -- I drank my last Guinness on Monday. Guess I need more, eh?
(Anybody know what that "rocket widget" is inside Guinness bottles?)
yeah ... it gives you a little bit of foam in each sip of the bottle.
The rocket widget in the bottle is not the same as the spherical widget in the can. The can widget releases all the nitrogen stored inside of it on opening, whereas the rocket widget in the bottle releases most of its contents on opening, and a little bit of nitrogen every time the bottle is tipped.

I'm only a 1/4 Irish .... but All-Irish on St. Patty's!!
Happy St. Patricks Day

i might only be half irish, but who cares it an excuse for Guinness
Yay, Happy St. Patrick's Day!
No Guinness for me this year, off drink till my black belt grading!
Happy saint patrick's day to any Irish, Nigerians, people afraid of snakes, people who've been bitten by a snake and so on, and anyone who celebrates(i.e is heading down the pub for a guinness tonight) and ERIN GO BRAGH!!!!!
Happy St.Patricks Day one and all and incidentally anyone in London looking for a nice Guinness tomorrow should go to a small Irish bar off Soho Square called the Toucan it has the best Guinness I've tasted outside of Ireland!
HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

man i love this holiday, even though im underage for drinking, i love the music, the food, the environment, EVERYTHING!
Gah! No proper Guinness round here!

I will just have to make up for it next time I am over

And Happy St P's day!
HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY!! Not going to be able to celebrate tonight cos flying out for a comp but going to make up for it next week!!
so at my school we do the daily announcements over the TV. we tape them the day before, so my freinds and i decided to do irish accents for fun, and make up fake announcments too. i had kids come up to me today and ask if i was an irish exchange student! im not sure how well it would hold up in ireland, but hey, works for me
This is for all the Guinness fans here - An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold onto a blade of grass and not fall off the earth. - Irish Proverb

Happy St. Patrick's Day