Handheld OBD2 scanners worth it or not? limits?


May 13, 2008
I am thinking of purchasing one OBD2 code scanner they retail around 50-100 bucks. Professional grade ones retail between 1200-3000 and I want to know the differences and whether its worthwhile to make that investment. If the small handheld model isnt going to be abel to tell me a good dose of problems well I just assume save my 100 bucks.
The one you would love to buy is the one that states codes and the translations, Actron costs 129.00. The 89.00 dollar ones only render the code, not translation. You do not need the ones that cost in excess of 1,000-1200.00. Those are for Dealerships and garages. And remember, a code does not mean that the part has gone bad, it only tells you wer'e to look first, If after electronically testing a part proves indeed defective, then only and only them would you replace that component.