Handbags at Dawn (well in the evening realy)


New member
Apr 3, 2008
A New Zealand rugby player burst into tears when his captain hit him with a woman's handbag in an early morning incident in a Christchurch bar, news reports said today.

Just goes to show - even the toughest guys can turn into big girls blouses when they . . .

get hit upside the head with a purse.
yeah but that must have really hurt, i would have cried! even though im not a macho rugby player lol poor guy
"Umaga then picked up a woman's handbag and hit Masoe on the head with enough force to smash a mobile phone inside the bag."


The question that crossed my mind is, did the pain merely bring tears to his eyes, or was he wailing like a baby?

""When that happened, Masoe burst into tears and created a bit of a scene at the bar," a witness said."

Hmmm, seems like the latter.
imagine the stick he's gonna get at his next match, there'll be 10,000 rugby fans waving handbags at him.
Er, excuse me..... these are are Rugby Union (Yawnion) players, who are notoriously gay. (Think English Public Schools.... etc.)

Rugby League players don't cry. It's the Man's Game.

Please don't confuse the two.
Rugby League Player are the gay ones, "Oh I've been tackled, get off me you brute, referee help, help." Please! Union is the only Rugby that counts.
Bwahahaha!!!! League is the working man's game. Yawnion is for toffs.

As I once read in the paper: "Yawnion is for doctors and solicitors who want to feel like hard men once a week."
Rugby League was invented to give Northerners something to do while they were on strike, its not a sport anymore than darts is.
Er, no. The top clubs broke away from the RFU over the issue of paying players.

After spending the next 100 years slagging off Rugby League for being professional, the old codgers at the RFU decided to turn pro too - and now we keep hearing about how 'great' Yawnion is since it became professional!

Yawnion is a joke. I'd rather watch synchronised swmming. (There's more action. )
all the good league players eventually see the light and move to Union anyway. Wheres the point in Rugby League, its a second class sport. League is to Union what Netball is to Basketball.
Very few players who start in League go to Yawnion. There isn't much point. I could count them on one hand.

Whereas lots of players who start in Yawnion go to League to develop some skills, then return to Yawnion for an easier life towards the end of their careers.

Union recruits League coaches nowadays, and some of them walk straight into top jobs - including international level. Whereas there are a grand total of zero Yawnion coaches in League, because there is nothing to learn from them. League has better handling, better passing, better tackling. It's a far superior game.
Its a game for men that shave their legs. Gavin Henson is a league man in union clothing.
I don't follow Yawnion, so I don't know anything about leg-shaving. The name Gavin Henson rings a bell though. Was he the Welsh bloke who got in trouble for writing a book or something? I seem to recall them banging on about on Radio 5 a while back.