Hamas reach a new low and steals UN aid for Palestinians, Now the UN is forced to...


New member
Nov 11, 2008
...halt aid? Has hamas reached new lows and how can anyone defend them now,basically according to Hamas if your not a Hamas supporter
you are not allowed UN aid

JERUSALEM — The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees said Friday it has halted all aid shipments into the Gaza Strip due to interference by the ruling Hamas militant group.

The U.N. Relief and Works agency said it made the decision after Hamas personnel intercepted an aid shipment for the second time this week.

In a statement, UNRWA said 10 truckloads of flour and rice that had been delivered into Gaza on Thursday were taken away by trucks affiliated with the Hamas-run Ministry of Social Affairs. Earlier this week, Hamas police took thousands of blankets and food parcels meant for needy residents.

UNRWA said the suspension would remain in effect until the aid is returned and the agency receives credible assurances from the Hamas government that such thefts will end. There was no immediate reaction from Hamas.

UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness said the agency would continue to distribute aid from its existing supplies in Gaza, but that stocks were running low.

"There is enough aid for days, not weeks," he said. Complicating the situation, he said the agency has not been able to import plastic bags used for food distribution, and that existing supplies will run out early next week.

In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum called UNRWA's decision "unjustified."

He said Hamas supports UNRWA's work but believes the agency gives some of its aid to groups attached to Hamas' rivals.
stella, what hype, hamas are stealing aid from Palestinians plain and simple, hamas yet again show their true colours
Palestinians blah blah blah, sorry these are the full facts, either support the acts of theft or dennounce them as yet another act of terrorism by hamas
sorry micheal they have no right to take what does not belong to them, and they are back tracking because yet again they have been exposed
Lilac your saying an act of revenge is to steal from the Palestinian people, em sorry that makes no sense what so ever but does demonstrate the murderous terrorism that fuels hamas, basically your saying it is ok for palestinian children to be deprived of bread and blankets as long as it furthers hamas's political view point
lukas and you doubt the truth of the UN and the news because it does not agree with your political outlook?? perhaps you should consider the need of children for bread and blankets before selfishly thinking about your own political goals
amber when you change the truth it becomes a lie, Is that how you want to be known, hamas said clearly it did not want aid going to groups other than its own, is your support for a terrorist group stronger than your humanity wanting a child to eat and be warm
So the fact that Israel confiscated a boat load full of Aid destined for the Gaza strip and turned the boat back to where it came from didnt mean anything to you ?

You should think twice before you believe everything you read in the media in our supposed non biased "western" countries. We support Israel no end even though they murder innocent women and children to further their own agenda, to such an extent that if a news report in the west comes out saying Hamas denies aid to its people we believe it. Think carefully ... would an organization fighting for the very people they are accused of denying aid to really be denying that aid or is the truth that the media is attempting to make us sympathetic to Israel so they make bad claims about Hamas's actions ?

You and i my friend will never know the truth until we care enough to actually go to the area and see for ourselves. Its easy to sit on your armchair watching the news shoved down your throat and judge people but try thinking for yourself. Murder for any agenda is wrong ... and Israel strangling of the Gaza strip comes down to nothing more than war crimes and genocide. How many more innocent people have to die before people stand up and defend freedom and liberty ?
Hamas like any revolutionary group is much more concerned with it's own survival and power than the people it claims to represent. Hamas is more worried about Fatah than it is about Israel, i know this will get me loads of negative comments but it is the truth, that is why Hamas took the UN aid - they want to consolidate their leadership in Gaza
As Hamas are the democratically elected party to all the Palestinians in Gaza they have every right to distribute the aid to their constituents. However they have stated that a mistake has been made and that they would be returning all this aid in due course.