
  1. G

    Are the Palestinians tolerant of other faith systems or religious bigot like Saudi

    Arabia? I'm a Pagan and wish to travel Gaza. Will I be safe there?
  2. F

    Is it true that Israeli's don't know of the injustice meted out to Palestinians

    cos they don't want to know? Just like the average German, after the second world war, who said they knew nothing of the treatment meted out to the Jews by the Nazi's, when deep down most of them knew something evil was happening to them. Is this what is happening in Israel today? Closing their...
  3. A

    Agree or Disagree: After Israel gives the Palestinians the West Bank

    Mountain Top overlooking Tel Aviv? and the cities in central Israel. The Palestinian Terrorists will use the West Bank Mountain Top to Shoot down Kassam Missiles onto the Jews living in Tel Aviv & Central Israel the same way they are now shooting Kassam Rockets into Sderot (and the surounding...
  4. G

    Would Arabs really be complaining about Israel if Palestinians were non-Arabs?

    You always hear how these Arabs are supporting Palestinians against Israel and how it's about "muslim brotherhood". But let's switch the ethnicity here, would Arabs truly care if it was Indonesians, Desis or even worse African muslims in place of the Palestinians who are being attacked by...
  5. I

    Christians, how many of you think that Palestinians should be forcefully...

    ...removed, and send to an Island? An uninhabited Island.
  6. S

    Why do Palestinians say their struggle has nothing to do with religion, but if a

    Muslim doesn't support them..? then they aren't being "true Muslims"? A lot of Palestinians are like, "Well, our conflict has nothing to do with religion! We just want our nation, our country!" But if you're Muslim and don't even care about the Palestinians, or think Israel is actually right...
  7. J

    Why do Palestinians whine so much?

    As long as I can remember, it's been the same story: 1. Attack the Israelis 2. Complain about how mean the Israelis are when the Israelis respond Why can't they see the relationship between their attacks and the response? FWIW, I've read the Goldstone Report. It's a joke, almost funny at times...
  8. A

    On which date did Roger Waters sing "We Shall Overcome" to support Palestinians?

    On which date did Roger Waters sing "We Shall Overcome" to support Palestinians? Here is this very beautiful song. My question is that did he sing this after Israeli attack of Gaza in 2009, or after recent attack of Freedom...
  9. A

    On which date did Roger Waters sing "We Shall Overcome" to support Palestinians?

    On which date did Roger Waters sing "We Shall Overcome" to support Palestinians? Here is this very beautiful song. My question is that did he sing this after Israeli attack of Gaza in 2009, or after recent attack of Freedom...
  10. I

    Is it true that Israel Soldiers sell Palestinians kidneys ?

    No. That is retarded.
  11. B

    why is there still so much hatred, fear and suspicion between Palestinians and...

    ...Israelis? please help me on this
  12. O

    Would the "palestinians" still be whining for Israel if it was the barren desert

    Would the "palestinians" still be whining for Israel if it was the barren desert it used to be before....? ....the Jews came and revitalized the land? I mean, when Israel gave up land to the palestinians which had greenhouses and modern technology implemented to turn the sand into a land that...
  13. K

    What religion are the Palestinians? The Israelis?

    This is for a essay I'm doing at school. I would really appreciate the help.
  14. D

    Why is killing innocent people acceptable for Israelis but not for Palestinians?

    In the recent Gaza conflict, about a dozen Israeli civilians were killed, and over a thousand Palestinian civilians were killed in retaliation, about a third of them children. Of course, this is the general state of things in the region. When Palestinians do something unethical, it's an act of...
  15. E

    Are the palestinians digging too deep of a hole?

    Are the palestinians digger themselves a deeper hole every time they try to claim a heritage that doesn't belong to them and are they in fact inadvertently admitting that that Israel belongs to the Jews? The Term Palestinian was first applied in history to the Jews who lived in the Palestine...
  16. W

    why do the palestinians and isreal want the land?

    what is there argument and there views? and when was the barrier set up? why do they both want it and yeahh just like that stucff
  17. J

    Did the Palestinians really get their name from the British Mandate of Palestine?

    I checked and it's true that it was not called Palestine when the Ottoman Muslims were ruling it. I got it in the Wikipedia.
  18. C

    Hamas reach a new low and steals UN aid for Palestinians, Now the UN is forced to...

    ...halt aid? Has hamas reached new lows and how can anyone defend them now,basically according to Hamas if your not a Hamas supporter you are not allowed UN aid JERUSALEM — The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees said Friday it has halted all aid shipments into the Gaza Strip due to...
  19. Y

    why are yahoo news biased with jews against palestinians?

    "hamas violating truce" what truce! did israel open the passages to gaza! when did israel stopped killing and bombing gaza and west bank! when did you hear of truce between an army and a group of civilians defending their children under the occupation! evil hypocrites!
  20. A

    Israeli government is trying to force Palestinians to leave Gaza and to steal the

    rest of their lands? ISRAEL should End The Siege On Gaza we don`t want to see killed children in GAZA , In ISRAEL. the people in GAZA don`t have enough food , drugs .... we should show our objection. some people say : HAMAS wants to kill every jewish. I think this is wrong. i am muslim. In...