had enough of wifes family?


May 17, 2008
where do i start .wifes mum and dad have borrowed thousands of me since i was in my early twentys that i have never gotten back and constantly lied and caused trouble through the years (there problems are our problems ) but never visited our house or took anything to do with our kids and i mean never took anything at all to do with them even though they live around the corner.my wifes younger sister has accused my wife of having affairs and then accused me also over the years.which is total rubbish but caused us a lot of marital problems .then a week ago i had a party at my home and she got totally drunk and made insinuations that i had a crush on her in front of all the company.and also called my daughter a mixing bitch in front of everyone for no reason and then decided to cause other arguement with other couples at the party.then her friend that she had brought along decided to steal bottles of our alcahol but she was seen by someone so we rang her and she admitted that she stole them .the sister called various family to apologise but didnt ring us.a week later she text my wife to borrow a vaccum and never mentioned anything.i said no . she borrowed a lot of money of usincluding my youngest daughters savings and told us she would give us it back when she got her money that she was owed .she got the money but gave my wifes other sister money she had borrowed of her but has never mentioned ours. she is known as poison.well finally ive took a stand and told my wife to have a go at her and she very weakly did about her friend stealing the drink but nothing about the accusations or calling my daughter names but she runs of to daddy and cries and plays the why me im the baby of the family.i told my wifes other sister that her trouble make sister was poison and constanly been a thorn in my marriage since day one but she arked up and said dont you dare talk about my sister and stormed out .ive been married for over twnety years and i could go on and on about the way they have treated us.all my family live overseas as we immigrated and sometime i feel so alone.ive told my wife for once iam going to get her to come around and rip shreads of her about her behaviour and accusations.but i know i will be made out the bad one but finally i feel ive had enough.this family are constantly in our life .what should i do.with my life and should i blast her.