Guys, PLEASE just HELP. Could he be interested?


May 13, 2008
Please be nice, that's all I ask, no rude comments...

Soo I go to the bank, (which is the one I bank at) and I go in there like 2-3 maybe 4 times a week depending if my parents need me to go in for them ( since I usually take in their deposits when they cant go)
One day I went in to take out cash since it was my pay day and
The bank teller (guy) happens to randomly compliment your hair? Before this he would start conversations about school and what I want to major in or random stuff .. and he happens to randomly compliment my hair when I went in that day "your hair looks really nice nice today" or "I like your hair today" I cant remember but it was along those lines lol

And my hair is just down straight as always.
And another thing, im assuming bank tellers can see your birthday on there but he also asked what I was doing for my birthday, this happened an occasion before he complimented my hair. It really surprised me and just thought it was out of no where. When ever I go in ( and he isn't busy, ) he always says hello or starts conversations with me.

Im confused because I am really clueless when it comes to guys, I personally find him very attractive. Is he just being friendly? Or a flirt? Plus once he confused my name he called me Monique and my name is Monica lol ( I thought that was funny haha)

I also get the feeling that one of his co- workers doesn't like me. Like once I went in with my mom and she literally threw the money at my mom and was really being rude.. and before she was nice to us. My mom said that she might be jealous, cause I guess one of the times I went in there with my mom he had been talking with her (his co-worker) and the others and then just started talking to me, but knowing how I am im just CLUELESS

Im 21 and he is in his early to mid 20s

PLUS my mom went into the bank while I was at work a week ago and I guess he asked how old I was... and well idk he first asked if my little bro was my only sibling, then he started asking how old I was..

Help me a really not sure ...
and today I went in and well we both looked up at eachother at the same time and smiled at gave me butterflies in my tummy..