GUYS-Is he interested or just being friendly? What do you think?


New member
Dec 11, 2011
I'm in grade 10, and there's a guy in grade 11 that I'm intrested in. I don't know him, so to get his attention I'd smile at him every time we made eye contact, and he would smile back. Once when I was at my locker with my friend I noticed him looking at me, and when I caught him he quickly looked away. I got really lucky because after a couple weeks of smiling at each other he started working at the place I take music lessons! We saw each other and smiled and said hey and we started chatting. At the end our convo he asked me if he could help me with anything. He was smiling the entire time and so was I. I also complimented him. Im going to try to chat with hin every time i go there. Now every time we see each other at school he gives me a big smile and he notices me a lot. And im not ugly, guys have said im really pretty and some say I'm hot. Would you be intrested in a girl that smiled at you and was confident? And he was smiling the entire time during our convo, and seemed really happy. What would you feel or think in a situation like this? Any tips on what else I should do?