Guinea pig bedding, hay or sawdust?


Apr 1, 2008
Whats a better bedding hay or wood shavings? The reason im asking is that ive been told wood shavings or saw dust can be irritant?
i use aspen pine its the least amt of dust for wood shavings. They say not to use cedar or pine and using hay isnt good cause if its just hay straight from the farm it may have ticks and fleas and they eat it and pee on it too...bad combo.....use paper bedding or aspen or even fleece u wash and reuse
Hi dear I have years worth of hay and Straw from my previous rabbit and i am soon, getting two dwarf Chinese hamsters. I was wondering if Straw and hay is harmful to Hamsters, or is it ok to mix straw/hay and sawdust together? Both the hay and straw where suitable for rabbits.
Do hamsters eat hay?

fencing gold coast
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Hay. The sawdust can go up into your guinnea pigs nose and into their lungs. They will definitely poop in the hay, so replace it ecery few days :) but NO sawdust.