grammar nazi party

A man walks into a bar with a newt on his shoulder.

The barman remarks on what an unusual pet he has and asks what he calls it?

"I call it Tiny," replies the patron.

"Why Tiny?"

"Because he's my newt."


Graofftopicr School with Snooki - YouTube

oh and if it hasnt been linked yet

Graofftopicr Police - YouTube


Graofftopicr Nazis - YouTube
Language evolves, so words like text or email are acceptable verbs today. I can accept this. What I cannot accept are people who can't be bothered to learn the proper "to, too, two," or "there, their," or "your, you're." That is just basic primary school English. I'm a terrible natural speller though, and have had to work really hard at being as semi-coherent as I am today, so I'm not unsympathetic. People who are naturally inventive often struggle to be good at spelling because their brains see language rules as flexible and they tend to default to using creative interpretations with phonetics. Evidently, Ben Franklin was a notoriously poor speller. Perhaps this is why he wasn't asked to write the Declaration of Independence.
Ditto -- with emphasis on the "you're an IDIOT!!!!" part of it. That mistake bothers me very much.
^^ This is an example of why I homeschool my children. American school teachers themselves so often can't be bothered with learning the basics, let alone actually passing on an education to the students. Witness the prevalence of errors in advertisements, books, and general speech.
mixed with
People who say loose instead of lose. I think American public education is just horrible. The teachers are too busy trying to get the unions in and bankrupt the cities with their Rolls Royce benefits to worry about the children.
Well, I always had a problem with learning in school. But that should not stop anyone from teaching.

People can pass exams, but to retain what they had studied for future reference is different pending profession

That said, I never had stated I was a scholastic teacher.
(this sentence does not see right, but I'll leave that to the experts!)

What do you mean by "not a scholastic teacher"?
Is that a teacher that doesn't use proper orthography and graofftopicr?

How can someone with higher education not use proper English?
Does it mean that "higher education" is "not so high", after all?

I do not know if someone is led to believe I teach on a scholastic level, per a actual educator.

There are many people with higher education which tend not to use such to a level within the confines of their subjected environment.

In other words, sometimes the environment for which one is constantly exposed to could change the approach
to be fair to most, english may not be their first language. some, like myself, learned three languages growing up and may confuse structures between the three (especially if the other two are not related to each other, like mandarin, filipino, and english.).

add that to the fact that some people have learned a smattering of other languages like spanish, and phrases in a few others (such as nihongo, thai, and french).

what i find disturbing is the fact that some native english speakers (and english being their primary and only language) are the ones who do not follow graofftopictical structure and spelling.

I agree.
I even have a strong opinion on the subject... but expressing it here would hurt the sensibilities of the Rosbifs and Yankis, & put me at odds with the T.O.S.

^^ Is that English ?? Junk like that "gets my goat," to quote the OP.

Exactly, and that's what I took your OP to be about. on them!
I don't think so... The lowering of the standards of higher education are IMHO!
Then it is laziness and human nature left to ferment on the couch for too long by b-boomers!

Huh? You're a grown man and yet you don't know the benefit of correct graofftopicr? What?