Got Divx codec pack on windows 7, now what?


New member
Sep 29, 2012
Couldn't play avi. files with quicktime on windows 7, so got the divx codec pack, but still can't play avi.

How do I synch the codec pack with quicktime to be able to play avi?

(I NEED to use quicktime - I already have other media players so please don't suggest using a different one) THanks!
If you INSIST on using QuickTime (BTW, DivX only works for WMP), then your only choice will be to convert the file itself. Download handbrake ( and install. Launch it, click source, and select the video. Go to destination and choose the name of he converted file and where you want it to go. Then convert. You may experience a loss in quality and (occasionally) audio glitches.